The Arc of Ocean County招募 司机 Driver



海洋县 Arc 正在招聘兼职司机,负责接送我们所服务的个人往返于他们在海洋县的住所和项目。每位司机在整个工作期间都必须保持有效的新泽西州驾驶执照。目前正在招聘以下地点的兼职职位:汤姆斯河、塔克顿、莱西和莱克伍德。日程安排:分班制,周一至周五上午 7:00 至 9:00 和下午 2:30 至 4:30。每周工作约 20 小时。工作时间根据完成预定工作所需的时间长短而定。薪酬:每小时 19 美元,双薪。每小时 60 美元,双周计薪。
The Arc of Ocean County is hiring part-time drivers to transport individuals we serve to and from their homes and programs in Ocean County. Each driver must maintain a valid New Jersey driver’s license throughout their employment. Part-time positions are currently available in the following locations: Toms River, Tuckerton, Lacey, and Lakewood. Schedule: Shifts available Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Approximately 20 hours per week. Hours are based on the time required to complete scheduled work. Pay: $19 per hour, double pay. $60 per hour, bi-weekly pay.


必须年满 18 岁,必须持有有效的新泽西州驾驶执照,且记分不超过 5 分,至少在前雇主处工作满一年。教育:高中文凭或普通教育证书。
Must be at least 18 years old, must hold a valid New Jersey driver’s license with no more than 5 points, and have at least one year of work experience with a previous employer. Education: High school diploma or GED.


Career advancement opportunities, referral programs, paid time off, holiday pay, paid on-the-job training, and various other supplementary benefits.


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